Other Ways to Help

Kroger Community Rewards
Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy...all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! Register your card online and select DFW Humane Society as your beneficiary.

Amazon Smile
Shop at http://smile.amazon.com and designate DFW Humane Society as your beneficiary, and the shelter will receive a percentage of your total purchase as a donation.

Cat’s Pride Litter for Good
We need cat litter to run our shelters, and Cat’s Pride® is here to help provide donations! All you have to do is:
1. Go to catspride.com/register and join the free Cat’s Pride Club.
2. Click "Nominate" and find us by ZIP code.
3. Save $2.00 on a GREEN JUG™ of Cat’s Pride® litter today by downloading coupon at http://qupon.ws/rd/4LGQLJ.

Tom Thumb Good Neighbor
Link your Tom Thumb Rewards card to DFW Humane Society, and the shelter will receive a donation each time you shop! Our organization number is 988.

DFWHS Amazon Wish List
Select needed items from the DFW Humane Society wish list on Amazon.com, and they will be shipped directly to the shelter.

eBay Giving Works
eBay for Charity is a program that helps sellers list items on eBay to benefit nonprofit organizations. Any eBay seller with an account in good standing can create an eBay for Charity listing. The program is administered by PayPal Giving Fund, our nonprofit partner.

Pet Rescue RX
Pet Rescue Rx has a mission to financially support animal shelters and rescues across the country through profits generated from our business. Pet Rescue Rx has donated over $125,000 from our customers’ purchases!